The fact that payday is not here yet, does not mean you have to miss out on your most-awaited holiday. If you wish to go on a vacation, you can select the EMI payment plan plane tickets , which asks you no deposit or security to fly out to the destination of your choice. You can choose any repayment program, which works on equated monthly installment system over 3, 6, or 12 months, as suited to your comfort. No more financial burden. Pay in parts and parcels for your trip. How to Pay for Airline Tickets in Installments? Some of the travel booking websites will let you book for flight seat for free so that your tour plans are not disrupted. The steps for how to pay for airline tickets are simple- just state requirements of date, time, destination, budget and real-time results of cheapest airline offers will show up. You can get serviced by a personal travel guide, who can assist you with drawing out your itinerary and help you understand how the installment system works. The t...